Upgrading our Customer Service experience going into the New Year!

We are 100% committed to making your customer service experience better and we want to share all the new things we will be doing to our business to improve. This new year has been a long time coming hasn't it? It had been a year of new challenges and opportunities for everyone and as a team we really thrived in adversity. Moving in to 2021 we feel a little wiser and more seasoned at adapting to change, that doesn't mean that we can sit back on...

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Silicone Bibs and Snack are coming soon to Aubrey & Co

The Truth about Weaning and why our Silicone Bibs are going to rock your world... a fun and frustrating time it is. My husband always considered this to be the worst phase, pre-chewed food was not something he could handle. For me I found it fun if a little frustrating at times, mostly because 6-18 month-olds have a friggin mind of their own and no two days are the same. Monday - I will quickly and cleanly demolish half a banana and a couple of toast soldiers.

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