Baby Changing Bag Checklist

Here are Aubrey & Co do's and don't for your changing bag checklist. As a mother of three I’ve certainly had experience with packing a changing bag or two. In the early days I forgot a vital item many a time and wished I’d had the heads up as a new mum. So, I thought this guide might be of use to some of the mums out there who are just about to embark on this new life-changing journey. First, I’d like to say that a good changing bag is worth its weight in gold, and it will go everywhere with you for 18 months at least, so take time to...

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How to recognise teething symptoms in babies

It's easy to get distracted by all the gorgeous designs and new colours but how do you recognise teething symptoms in babies and do our teething products really help? The teething stage is a very important part of babies physical development but also their emotional development. How they develop coping mechanisms and learn to comfort themselves. So what's going on... technically speaking babies can begin teething from 3 months to 36 months, each...

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Why have teething products disappeared from Etsy?

They are no longer permitting the sale of handmade teething products or their component parts. The platform where we first launched our little business is planning to remove all teething products with in the next year. This announcement comes following a court case in 2016 where a little one sadly died from an unsafe teething chain. Our industry is distraught at the loss of one of the platforms that for most of us enabled us to even get started. That having been said something needed to change. The teething...

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