The Shop Small Event 7th November 2021

The Shop Small Event is back and we are thrilled to be heading to Ipswich after 2 years.  If you live in Ipswich or the surrounding area then this is an event you won't want to miss! Pop it in your diary now and bring a friend that loves to shop small with you. Nikki, the organiser of @theshopsmallevent and a truly wonderful friend runs three markets a year and Christmas is always my ultimate favourite. She’s a firm believer of supporting other small businesses and runs her own brand @roseandguy. We have...

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Aubrey & Co are going to The Shop Small Event

We absolutely loved meeting so many of our customers at The Shop Small Event this weekend! It is amazing to get out there and face to face with the people who matter to us, you! We drove up to Ipswich very, very early Sunday morning to set up our newly designed stand with a great selection of our products, teething necklaces, dummy clips, the full colour range of BIBS dummies that are always so popular. We took our Christmas tree Teethers which as you can imagine for a Christmas market went down a storm. Super...

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