I’ve been asked a fair few times recently what dummies work well with which dummy clips. So I’ve spent a little time putting some colour inspiration boards together to help you decided and make a choice before you make your purchase. If you need anymore help contact us via our chat app on the homepage.
Mahogany Rose a staple colour at Aubrey & Co and one of my all time favourites works well with creams, ivory, linens and croissant.
Tea Green pairs well with cool subtle shades like white, ivory, soft greys and all the earthy tonnes too.
Clean, classic and literally goes with all dummies and matches all your little ones outfits.
Dusty Pink works well with muted tonnes, ivories, linen, creams, croissants, pastel blues, sea foam and yellows.
Ocean is a stunning fresh colour and works well with cream, white, tea green, other shades of blue, it would also work great with darker browns and grey tonnes like portobello, graphite and haze.