This week we talked to my sister Lauren about her fundraising efforts for Royal Brompton Hospital. This March she will be running the London Landmarks Half Marathon in support of their ongoing projects and continues to garner great support for this wonderful cause.
So here goes……
Why did you decide to raise money for this cause in particular?
Quite frankly, they saved my husband Dave’s life three times, during three critical heart operations we had access to the best consultants around the world. Without them my husband would not be here today. One of my work colleagues also lost their baby Thomas last summer, Royal Brompton fought very hard for his life, giving him the best chance of survival.
How have you prepared?
I have always dabbled in exercise, but never really stuck to anything. I’ve joined every gym going… for 5 minutes. After the birth of my second daughter Halle, I decided to crack on and do something in my maternity. As many mums know you lose a bit of yourself sometimes with a newborn and reclaiming my identity included choosing an exercise regime that was accessible and enjoyable. Training with Harlow Running Club has helped
What has your training been like?
When I started I couldn’t run more than 8 minutes, so I just kept forcing myself out the door since September, for 2-3 runs per week. And then I started to enjoy it (sort of), adding a kilometre a week. Since January I’ve added strength training with the lovely Carly Bown, Pretty Little Sweaters classes at Inside Out Studio. London Landmarks recommend adding some strength training, plus it helps with the hills. Instagram @prettylittlesweaters_
Favourite workout outfit?
Whatever fits! Anything that doesn’t fall down and require yanking up every 5 minutes.
About Royal Brompton.
It’s important to us to thank them, for their effort, support and life saving work. Post surgery the attention and care was outstanding. As a midwife in the NHS I know there is a big difference between doing the job and doing the job well. Find you more about their projects here
How can people get involved?
We will be hosting a big Fundraiser on Sunday 15th March at the Poplar Kitten from 2pm onwards. With a raffle around 3pm. 20+ local business have supported us. Beauty, PT, Massages, Food, and Retail vouchers are all up for grabs in our big prize raffle. We’ve been really overwhelmed with the support from these businesses to help us say thank you. My husband Dave with a little persuasion has also agreed to have his head shaved and leg (or legs) waxed – depending on how he takes the first one 🙂 You can get raffle tickets via Instagram DM Lauren Travers Knott
Kindly supported by; Boo Chew, Rose & Guy, KT Skin & Beauty, GoGO Beauty to name but. a few local companies supporting.
You can also donate to our Just Giving Page Link – (link)
Our whole team at Fox’s Felts has been really inspired by Lauren’s commitment and even got us out running too – see our Instagram and Facebook stories for some amusing updates.
Please if you can give in any way or have been touched personally by the work of Royal Brompton Hospital, reach out and help us say thank you to Royal Brompton.